Saturday, August 31, 2019

A Portion of The Aging Population

According to Kidwell and Warach (2003) cerebral vascular accident is a term that was used   to referred to the loss brain functions   arising from the   problems in the blood vessels that supply the   brain with oxygenated blood.CVA can be caused by the ischemia or lack of enough blood supply to the brain due to a thrombosis, embolism or due to complications from hemorrhage.The central nervous system is very critical to the body and therefore lack of blood supply is likely to affect the other parts of the body.   Mostly it leads to the inability to move limbs on one side of the body, distorted speech and understanding, or visual impairment.   Today, the term stroke it mostly used in reference to cardiovascular accident. The prevalence of the condition has shown that the aged population is at a higher risk compared to the rest of the population.A disease of the agedThere are more than 500,000 case of CVA in the United States recorded every year. This results to more than 1 50,300 deaths every year due to direct attack like stroke or due to other incapacitation and complications. More than thirty percent die in acute stage of the attack while about thirty to fourth percent are severely disabled.Statistics also reveal that more than 50 percent of individuals who suffer their first CVA or stroke attack are more than 70 years old while ninety five percent of the all the attacks occurs to individuals who are more than 45 years of   age.Men, especially those above 65 years are 1.25 times more likely to suffer from CVA attack. However since women live longer than men, sixty percent of the case occurs in women since the risk increase with advancement in age. (Haase, 2006)Causes and contributing factorsCerebral vascular accident (CVA) is caused by an ischemic attack or hemorrhage complications which attack the brain tissues leading to infarction of brain tissue through interruption of the cerebral blood flow.   An ischemic attack may last for not more than five minutes but it has permanent effects since it damages the neural tissues which are incapable of regeneration.The pathophysiological progression of the condition shows that three groups of individuals are at a higher risk of suffering a CVA or stroke. The first group includes those with the transit neurological events. The second group includes those with the cardiac disease which increasingly predispose them to embolism and the third group comprise of those with asymptomatic carotid bruit which is a sign of vessel blockage.   Mohr et al., (2004) argues that transit ischemic attacks serves as a warning sign which indicate that a stroke attack can occur at any one time.This means that we can identify two prime causes as an embolism and a hemorrhagic attack. An embolism can be detached from the blood vessel wall, travel to the brain and block the vessel resulting to stroke. Hemorrhagic strokes are caused by tissue injuries which result to compression of the tissues. This is mai nly from an expanding hematoma and can either distort or injure tissues. The two most important risk factors are high blood pressure and arterial fibrillation.High blood pressure or hypertension causes about thirty five to fifty percent of the all stroke cases. High blood pressure may lead to a detachment of embolism increasing the risk of blockage of CNS blood vessels. On the other hand, arterial fibrillation accounts for about five percent of all case of stroke.Other minor risk factors include high amount of cholesterol in the blood which increase the risk for embolism, diabetes mellitus which increases the risk for hypertension and hyperlidimia, Anticoagulation drugs like warfarin which increase the risk for bleeding, surgical procedures and nutrition factors. (Mohr et al., 2004)

Friday, August 30, 2019

Application of Critical Thinking to Business Analysis Essay

Critical thinking is the basis of business analysis. It involves a force of habit, which determines the quality decision that the business analyst makes. Critical thinking is what enables businesspersons to think through challenges and situations. Because of this, critical thinking is vital element that should be refined, nurtured and actively implemented in every business analysis and decision making process. For the analysts to make decisions with the greatest outcome they should apply critical thinking since it involves rational reasoning and reflective thinking. It enables them to put every aspects of the decision into consideration in terms of the pros and cons of every option to be taken. Critical thinking initiates opportunities through exhaustive analysis thus leading to making well-informed decisions. It helps manager avoid the inconvenience of learning through experience. It assists in planning effectively while putting everything into consideration. It helps the administra tors save on costs by mitigating on mistakes that could cost the company to incur extra costs. Critical thinking is important in business analysis because it involves assessing, reflecting, planning and making right decisions while paying attention to details (Nosich, 2012). Critical Thinking in the Context of Business Analysis In order for the efficient implementation of business, it is important to understand the meaning of business analysis. Business analysis therefore refers to a set of techniques and tasks implemented by the various stakeholders. The main purpose of the implementation is to understand the operations, policies and structure of a particular business entity. It also involves the recommendation of various solutions in order for the organization to achieve various goals that it has set forth to achieve. Business analysis therefore entails the understanding of the ways in which various organizations carry out their operations. Production of products defines the capabilities of the organization. These products entail specific goods and services offered in the present market within which the organization is conducting its operations. External stakeholders also play a major role in the product distribution chain of a particular product. For a successful business to prosper, various key steps ne ed to be implemented for a. These strategies require a critical analysis, which will involve the applications of virus concepts of critical thinking (Smith, 2003). In any organization, it becomes very important to define the goals of the organization. The organizational goals relate to the specific objectives set forth. These goals help in the achievement of the goals designed. It also becomes necessary for the team in charge of making various policies and decisions to focus on the various actions that the organization is going to adopt so that it can achieve its set targets and objectives. Finally, it is important also to define how various external entities to the business will interact with each other. For instance, in this particular case, stakeholders and organizational units outside and within the organization will require definition and the mode of interaction defined. Business analysis aids in the understanding of an organization’s current state. It also provides a platform to identify future prospects of business needs that may arise. However, in most cases, the principle aim of conducting business analysis is to validate and pr ovide business solutions that conform to the objectives, goals and needs of a particular entity. The synthesis and analysis of information provided by numerous number of stakeholders tops the priority list. The various business analysts then analyze it. These particular stakeholders include customers, executives, IT professionals and staff. Critical thinking is therefore involved in various process of business analysis. A business analyst has the responsibility of obtaining actual needs from the various stakeholders. The particular process involves an actual distinction with the various desires expressed by particular stakeholders. The business analyst also facilitates the communication and interaction between various units in the business. It therefore means that through critical thinking, a business analyst is able to foster communication and interaction between various business units. It becomes possible through the alignment of various business unit needs. In the business process, the process lightens by the integration of information technology. It serves as an interpreter and a translator between the groups (Smith, 2003). The competitive nature of any business entity originates from the various policies that exist in order to counter competition from various companies. Competition arises due to various factors. Some of these factors include a company offering complementary and supplementary goods, similar to their rivals. In this particular scenario, there is always competition for the market share. Elimination of one firm in this competition may occur if there is no application of critical thinking to devise survival ways to counter such a move. Price becomes a determinant factor when it comes to competition between two rival industries competing for the same market share. Another reason as to why competition arises is the difference in pricing of similar commodities. A rational consumer is always attracted to a firm, which is selling cheaper than others are. Price is a significant determinant of product choice. Majority of the rational consumers exercise the power of choice when products occur in a wide range (Smith, 2003). Majority of the business operations operate based on the types of decisions made across all the levels of production. Critical thinking forms the baseline upon which various policies formed and implemented. The success of a business entity becomes relative to a number of factors that help it be at a competitive level with other businesses in the same industry of operation and service. Several elements exist that become fundamental when implementing critical thinking to help the organization. Critical thinking involves the analysis of the current business operations, procedures and policies. The mastery of this particular process makes it possible for the business analyst to be familiar with the operations that are taking place. It also involves the identification of errors that may have occurred which led to the company not achieving its dreams. Moreover, apart from analyzing the internal factors of the firm that affect its operation, business analysis also focuses on the external en vironment that may affect the operations of a certain business entity. Inward communication strategies, pricing policies, production processes, marketing and branding are internal factors that affect the business entity (Smith, 2003). An analysis of the external environment that includes the political environment, competitors, the economy of a particular country concerning inflation and budget allocation also play a very important role. These may influence the pricing strategy pf a particular company. The political environment also determines the way in which the company interacts with various other companies overseas in terms of the taxes charged on imports and exports. It therefore narrows down to the fact that critical thinking contributes towards the existence of majority of the industries and companies in the world. The study of the market structures to determine the appropriate time for trade is what distinguishes a successful company from a failing company. The ability to fore see a coming calamity and danger and be able to efficiently plan is what critical thinking entails. In the end, it saves the company many resources since evasion of eminent dangers occurs through future prediction. Critical thinking i s an attribute of various business analysts. The presence of these personnel in an organization is important. They constitute the think tank of any industry (Smith, 2003). The application of critical thinking in a business environment happens through all the levels of management. At the strategic level, critical thinking may focus on issues that affect the company in general. At the operational level, critical thinking entails the unique creativity that may exist if a company decides to adopt product differentiation or diversification to have a range of commodities in the market. By giving a rational consumer a wide pool to select from, the company is able to face out different companies, which are providing supplementary products. It is able to wholesome reap from the market all the customers who have great trust in the product that they offer. Critical thinking is always neglected because majority of the companies only react when faced with certain risks. For instance, if the profit margins of a company begin to decline considerably, the management of the company becomes alarmed. At this time, they invest in quick decisions that aim at the company re generating various incomes. It is always a very poor form of responding and managing o frisks. In an ideal situation, the company is supposed to preview their previous strategies and look for elements that contributed to the decline in the revenue gained. After the identification of the various stated problems, an in depth analysis is to be conducted to determine the facts. Critical thinking plays a major part when it comes to the redefinition of the various goals and objectives. These elements are important to ensure a competitive state of the organization (Nosich, 2012). The success of a company is, therefore, dependent on the various decisions made from all the levels of production to management. The careful analysis of various problems that a company faces undergoes analysis and various solutions proposed in an efficient way as opposed to a quick manner. Using this channel, a company is able to get maximum returns from the various activities that it conducts. There are increased chances of lack of fear when it comes to the anticipation of problems. Critical thinking is the center of an organization’s success. The ideas of inventions and product creation derived from a panel composed of individuals explain the importance of critical thinking. Those who think critically through particular scenarios provide a solution that earns the organization maximum massive profits. The strategies in all the organizational units implemented are a success because of the decisions made by the members of a particular panel. Marketing, sales and even production departments all require various skills in critical thinking to produce products that are highly profitable to the organizational entity as a whole. This document therefore recognizes the importance of critical thinking when it comes to the analysis of different business operations to achieve various goals and objectives (Smith, 2003). Application Business analysts use critical thinking to make effective and efficient long term and short term plans for the business organizations. In order for the business managers to make decisions and plans for the business they have to think critically in terms of their objectives and goals in relation to the resources a business firm has. Managers have to think critically so that they can predict the possible threats that the business might face and be able to formulate their respective solution in time. The managers have to ensure that the challenges find the firm adequately prepared. For this to happen there has to be a lot of thinking in the planning process. The administrators have to consider every aspect of their plans in order to come up with short term and long term plans. Critical thinking is what ensures that required measures have been put in place to make a firm prepared for the challenges. Critical thinking helps the administrators to come up with the time frames for the long t erm and short term plans. Critical thinking makes the plans achievable and it helps in the identification of plans and investments that are not viable (Smith, 2003). Business analysts in conforming valid requirements also apply critical thinking. It enables the business analysts and managers to pay attention to details and not the face value or what they hear. Critical thinking enables the administrators to weigh up the evidence produced by stakeholders with relation to the challenges and consequences before making decisions or recommendations. It enables the manager to be future oriented since they have to consider the impact of the decisions or options they take. They have to consider the deadline, available resources and the possible outcome of the requirement. Through critical thinking, administrators go for what the business entity really needs and not what they want. This aids in prevention of unnecessary costs that would have been caused by purchasing excess requirements. It also helps businesses in avoiding wastes (Nosich, 2012). Critical thinking is applied in risk prediction, prevention and mitigation. In planning for the likely risks and hazards that a firm might face the analysts and administrators have to think carefully. They have to think critically to identify possible risks and formulate respective measures and solutions, which can be used to prevent them. Critical thinking in such situation is aided by acquisition of information from other similar firms that have existed in the market for longer periods. Critical thinking enables administrators to implement safety measures in the firms such as emergency doors, exists, fire extinguishers, gloves and aprons. It also enables business firms to determine the right time to enroll in the markets and the right time to withdraw. It enables companies to avoid financial risks, as managers are able to plan and make the right decision (Smith, 2003). It is also applied by the busyness analysts in the seeking solutions of business challenges. Businesses face challenges from time to time. The challenges range from financial, human resource conflicts with other firms and so on. To overcome these tough times the business managers have to think critically and formulate long lasting solutions that will save the companies fate. Conflicts are normal in the Business administration but they require rational thinking and decisions so that they can be overcome. Even the internal conflicts in the firms require the administrator to think critically about the situation and make fair decision or advice to the conflicting parties. The administrators have to listen and think first before passing judgment. This will enable him to avoid prejudice or bias in the decision made (Nosich, 2012). The leaders at the same time have to think and come up with policies that may hinder external and internal conflicts in the firm. Critical thinking is applied in the shortening life cycles of businesses projects. Through it managers are able to determine the required time frame and ensure that the projects move as per the stipulated time. Managers are also able to avoid unnecessary events and occurrences, which have the possibility of delaying the business projects. Critical thinking ensures advance planning and as a result, there is order in the running of the firms. The advance planning ensures everything moves as per the scheduled time and this helps in saving time and shortening the life cycle of the projects as only, the necessary cycles are implemented (Smith, 2003). Critical thinking is also applied in beating competition from similar firms. In order for firms to have competitive advantages the administrators and analysts have to go an extra mile of being creative and innovative. They have to do the same things extra ordinarily right or they have to come up with new ideas and products that will give them an advantage over their competitors. To do this successful they need to brainstorm and think critically. Managers have to do research and be able to predict the future of the company. This will enable them come up with various ideas and policies that will boost their performance. They have to come up with new marketing strategies and new modes of operations. They have to target more customers and become inventors. To implement this, management has to use critical thinking. They have to consider the weaknesses of their competitors and take advantage of them (Smith, 2003). Profit maximization and loss minimization can also be enhanced by application of critical thinking. For profit maximization, the business administrators have to be inventors and innovators. They should come up with new ideas and policies that will make their products and services unique from their counterparts. This requires high level of thinking and that is when critical thinking comes in handy (Nosich, 2012). Critical thinking helps in making the right financial decisions hence the company is able to maintain its profits. Critical thinking enables managers to come up with plans that minimize losses and wastage. They help in shortening duration of projects and in the long run increase productivity. An increase in productivity in turn increases the profits. Business administrators also apply critical thinking in making decisions to do with employment. The management has to determine the required number of employees to be hired and define their specific roles and duties. Critical thinking helps in determining the required number of employees that will provide the most outcomes. Critical thinking assists the manager in employing the employees with the required skills for specific positions. The manager should also know when to scale down and when to add the number of employees. The manager has to think critically of the kind of skill required in the organization before employing a person. Critical thinking helps manager to form the right workforce required for optimum production (Smith, 2003). The business analysts apply critical thinking in the making of right investment policies and decisions. Before making the right decisions on where to invest, analysts have to think through the possible options and take the option that is most viable and profitable. Critical thinking in this case will help the administrators consider the pros and cons of every investment option. This enables them to make the most informed decision by taking the best option. Critical thinking also helps administrators in assessing and evaluating the progress and position of the firm. It is applied to help managers determine if they are on the right track. Managers are able to determine if they are operating on a loss or profit through critical thinking. They have to think through and determine if the projects are moving as per the stipulated plans and goals. Do determine right progress the managers have to carry out various research and consultation in comparison with data at hand (Nosich, 2012). Discussion and Conclusion Various scenarios in the business process have required an individual to apply critical thinking in various business processes. The result of the decisions made in the various panels has resulted into massive goals and targets achieved by the said industries. Companies have been able to rise from various falls while some have succumbed to defeat. New entrants have entered into the marked and dominated the events will the already established monopolistic firms faced out because of this. It is therefore important that a company recognizes the importance of such a key process and invests I it. The using of appropriate skilled experts also goes a long well in helping the industry achieve its goals and objectives. The existence and sustainability of a given organization in the market is highly influenced by the various policies they adopt. Companies have marred up to produce complementary and supplementary products while some faced out. It therefore becomes important that the company look into the various strategies with an in-depth eye with an aim to creating various opportunities and channels for growth and profitability (Nosich, 2012). Business analysis through critical thinking becomes an effective way of determining the organization’s strengths and weaknesses. The implementation of SWOT analysis in a business environment will be effective upon incorporation with critical thinking. The identification of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Time factors require a vision that is not velar by the other firms competing in the same market. In conclusion, this paper finds critical thinking a very important element in the existence of a company in the ever dynamic and competitive business environment. It also views the basis of competition resulting from the difference in the decisions that various companies tackle one particular problem effectively. When companies operate from this basis, they are able to achieve more revenue and expand on their sales. Critical thinking has a direct relationship with the performance of a business. Several aspects in business analysis require the massive application of critica l thinking to provide solutions (Nosich, 2012). References Nosich, G. M. (2012). Learning to Think Things Through: A Guide to Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum, Boston, MA: Pearson Education. ISBN: 978-0-13-268359-3. Smith, G. F. (2003). Beyond critical thinking and decision making: Teaching business students how to think.  Journal of Management Education,  27(1), 24-51. Source document

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Edmund Spencer compared to Shakespeare Essay

Sonnet 1 by Edmund Spenser and Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare differ greatly in form, tone, content, meaning, and persona. Shakespeare begins with a rather unflattering attribute; â€Å"My mistress’ are nothing like the sun† while Spenser, praises his love by wishing he were a book she was reading. Sonnet 1 by Spenser follows a rhyme scheme of his own devising (ababbcbccdcdee) that combines interwoven thoughts. In this sonnet he praises his wife’s beauty and attempts to flatter her through conveying the thought that if he could just have her touch or even a glance he would rather be a book than what he is now. The tone is that sappy type that almost make s one sick. His talent is consumed in a effort to win over someone that he is already married to. His words sound as if they have a sick desperation in them because something is wrong within the relationship. On the other hand Sonnet 130 by Shakespeare has a point to it. It contains the message that one cannot judge by looks alone but on what the person is like on the inside. Shakespeare does not praise the woman’s beauty or her fair voice or her soft touch but at the end he says that his love is rare and he would not get rid of it for any reason. Spenser’s sonnets have intertwined messages that follow his rhyme scheme (ababbcbccdcdee) while Shakespeare uses three quatrains and a couplet which is usually the â€Å"zinger† turning the whole sonnet around and changing the meaning. Spenser does not do this however, his thought patter seems to follow one and only one line of thought’ to praise the woman that he loves and naught else. Shakespeare’s tone seems to be rather sarcastic until the couplet at the end of his sonnet when he explains that he would rather have her than the most beautiful woman in the world. It is along the same lines as â€Å"Don’t judge a book by its color†. On the other hand Spenser believes that his wife is the most beautiful being in the universe and he relates that he would do anything just to have her look at him or his book of sonnets which he wrote for her. Shakespeare breaks his own form while Spenser adheres to a strict form and rhyme scheme.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Case study analysis Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Case study analysis - Term Paper Example Google was one of the pioneers to introduce easy and fast search. There technique of PageRank gained them more popularity. PageRank was used to measure the importance and relevance of a website based on the back links the site had from other famous sites. The AdWords introduced by Google gave many companies to advertise their products and website on web. AdWords gives the client the ability to select the relevant key words they prefer. Whenever these key words appear in the search the websites which have chosen these keywords will be displayed. Google has been able to change the concept of viral marketing altogether (Google’s Country Experiences: France, Germany, Japan, 200). Cultural Dimension of Google Google has been able to change a lot of traditional corporate work culture. Google has always promoted work with fun concept. They believe in keeping their work place playful yet efficient. Google management does not believe in serious nature of work, they believe that it is o nly when the employees are happy that they will be more efficient and creative in their work. When Google went for global expansion, their offices in all the countries had the work culture. The employees were never asked to come in formal attire. The aesthetics of the offices all over were also done with a casual attitude. Where other corporates promoted business like attitude in all their aspects, Google stuck to their core belief that work can be fun. It was a little difficult for employees in countries like Britain and other European Union countries to adapt to Google’s work culture. The informal way of conducting themselves in work place is an alien thing for these countries that associate work with serious attitude. Google has been known to promote ethnic expression at work place (Hamen, 2003). The Google management encourages their employees to mingle with each other. They encourage people hailing from different countries and communities to interact with each other. Thi s helps the employees to broaden their thought process. The set up in all Google offices is done in such a way that all employees have their meals together in cafeteria. Google also is famous for encouraging women employment in many countries to promote gender equality. The employees are provided with all the facilities like food, massage parlour and pool table etc. in the office complex itself. However, Google does stress enough importance on performance also. All employees are expected to perform to the best of their capability. The raise and promotions are based on the performance of the employee. An employee who is able to perform brilliantly while having fun is an ideal employee for Google. Google does not want its employee to lose focus from their jobs. The facility provided by them is to facilitate more productivity not divert the focus of the employees. The rapid growth of Google in different countries confirms the business viability of their unconventional ways. The busines s model of Google has raised many objections in many countries. Many countries like France and China do not agree to their business model. Google had to modify many of the original products they offered to accommodate country specific demands and laws (Google’s Country Experiences: France, Germany, Japan, 202). Revenue Earning Potential of Google Focusing on the revenue earning dimension of the company it is found that in the previous days Google used to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Value of Jackson Pollock's Painting Assignment

The Value of Jackson Pollock's Painting - Assignment Example The paper "The Value of Jackson Pollock's Painting" concerns the paintings of Jackson Pollock. Jackson Pollock’s painting can be sold for millions dollars because the artist is generally identified as a self created legend, is related to the innovative painting technique of drip painting within Abstract Expressionism genre, his artworks are renowned for spontaneity, his artistic career is interconnected with the development of mass media, and his artworks are symbolic of Americanism with immense artistic and economic value. One can see that fame and success within the scenario of art cannot be attained without any individual effort. Harold Rosenberg stated that, â€Å"The act on the canvas springs from an attempt to resurrect the saving moment in his â€Å"story† when the painter first felt himself released from Value-myth of past self-recognition†. For instance, the popularity of the artworks by Jackson Pollock is interconnected with the artist’s effort t o go beyond the limits of traditional mode of painting. To be specific, the artist did not try to follow the painters who adopted traditional methods in painting. Instead, he chose his own way and method within art. Besides, he knew that traditionalistic approach towards art, especially in painting, cannot help him to attain the status of a legend. But one must not misunderstand that his aim was to acclaim fame because he believed in individual freedom of artists. Similarly, Jackson Pollock was deeply interested in experimenting with different types of paints.

Contemporary Business Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Contemporary Business - Term Paper Example Business ethics concept has been used by many academic scholars to distinguish between successful and unsuccessful organizations. Academic scholars believe that business ethics can not only ensure organizational but fillip sustainable business growth also. Rationale behind Selecting Business Ethics as Contemporary Management Topic The study has selected business ethics in order to continue further analysis. Business ethics has emerged as an important management issue for companies in recent time. The study has selected business ethics in order to understand following learning outcomes: Many companies (read Nortel, Enron, Layman Brothers and others) have suffered the ill effect of poor business ethics in last two decades hence discussing contemporary issues related to business ethics can help the authour to gain knowledge about organizational sustainability. Business helps the organization to build sustainable representation in front of their stakeholders. Unethical business practice creates negative impact in the mind of both shareholders and stakeholders. In many cases it has been observed that government of a particular country takes legal action against organizations practicising unethical activities such as bankruptcy, fraud, misrepresentation of financial asset or fraud. Legal action against unethical organizations not only purturbs sustainability of them but negatively impacts shareholder’s interest. Studying business ethics will help author to understand importance of organizational sustainability in terms of financial perspective. Many companies of USA have understood importance of business ethis hence they have created ethical assistance lines for stakeholders to report ethical concern about business practice to them. Following diagram will show increase of concern related business ethics in recent times. (Source: Ferrell, Fraedrich, and Ferrell 222) Business Ethics There is a vast gap between ethics and self interest in the business practice. M any business executives emphasizes on self interest in order to fulfil personal prosperity instead of doing business for betterment of society. Objective of Business Ethics In 2003, Hooker has pointed out that main objective of business ethics is to create a guideline for companies to compete and sustain in the market without getting involved in financial fraud or any kind of deception. Importance of Business Ethics in Business Environment Reseach scholars have defined business ethics in multidimensional manner in order to cover broad spectrum of the topic. Hooker and other reaseach scholars have pointed out following guidelines for business ethics. Companies need to design a fair and transparent fair incentive and remuneration system for top level management executives in order to draw a clear picture of the company in front of share holders. Companies need to emphasize on maintaining interst of shareholders because they are the key drivers to maintain sustainibility of any organiz ation. Companies should implement transparent inter level business practices in order to refrain employees to commit fainancial fraud and perform in accordance with industry standards. Leading companies should not manipulate industry standards in order to create entry barrier for small firms. Companies should not involve in price discrimination because price discrimination not only perturbs industry equilibrium (read oligopolistic

Monday, August 26, 2019

Advantages of open source software Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Advantages of open source software - Essay Example Today open source software has become critical for almost every organization.Almost everything requires open source software,be it telecommunication systems,inventory, accounting,personal productivity applications,contact management and operating systems amongst others.As far as the democracy peace and economy is concerned open software provides access to better technology to even those who cannot afford them. Since, technology is crucial to the economy in terms of the cost it saves by increasing the end productivity; the better access to technology has increased the productivity and thus the GDP of the entire world. Even cheaper technology is the success of most of the developing countries. The growth of the developing countries has provided better returns for the companies across the globe in-turn because they now have been able to easily get some part of their business outsourced to these destinations and decrease costs. This has lead to employing further more people and improving the technology further helping people across the world.The source code should be available with the software and distribution in terms of the compiled form should also be available. There should be a well publicized form of distributing the software just like distributing on the internet when the product is not distributed with the source code.There should be permission by the license for the distribution of software which is made from modified source code. The license needs to have derived works for having a distinct name or version number. 5. No Discrimination against Persons or Groups The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons. It should be accessible to whoever wants. 6. No Discrimination against Fields of Endeavor The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the program in a specific field of endeavor. For example, it may not restrict the program from being used in a profit generation entity, or from being used for genetic research. 7. Distribution of License The rights attached to the program must apply to all to whom the program is redistributed without the need for execution of an additional license by those parties. 8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product The rights attached to the program must not depend on the program's being part of a particular software distribution. If the program is extracted from that distribution and used or distributed within the terms of the program's license, all parties to whom the program is redistributed should have the same rights as those that are granted in conjunction with the original software distribution. 9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software The license must not place restrictions on other software that is distributed along with the licensed software. For example, the license must not insist that all other programs distributed on the same medium must be open-source software. 10. License Must Be Technology-Neutral No provision of the license may be predicated on any individual technology or style of interface. Following are the examples of open source software2: Linux ( Originating from UNIX system and basically an operating system and kernel.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Critically evaluate, in relation to the common law duty of care, the Essay - 3

Critically evaluate, in relation to the common law duty of care, the liability of employers for psychiatric illnesses suffered b - Essay Example In other four similar cases in 2002, the Court of Appeal stated that for employees to gain compensation from their employers, they must inform the latter of their stressful working conditions and give them a chance to remedy the situation. Damages for psychiatric injury caused by stressful working conditions can only be recovered where the employee exhibited clear signs of the injury suffered. This must have been reasonably foreseeable by the employer. Liability for psychiatric damage can be claimed where the employer breached a duty of care by not acting in response to the reasonably foreseeable signs of damage (Munkman, 1990). Courts developed volenti non fit injuria, where the employee (defendant) had to prove the employer’s liability beyond a reasonable doubt in the 19th Century. This law excluded claims by employees against their employers. This law commonly affected the manufacturing industry. Imposing such vast liability would be too costly and would impede the growth o f the industry (Butler, 2002b). An employee who suffered from psychiatric illness due to stress at work is not enough to claim reparation of damages from the employer. In the Rorris on case, Lord Reed ruled that there must be a recognised psychiatric illness and not mere depression or anxiety. The defendant could recover damages only if she sustained a psychiatric illness commonly recognised as psychiatric disorders by a recognised a psychiatrist. She also had to have never been diagnosed with psychiatric disorder before. An action based on mere negligence only is not sufficient for a claim (Butler, 2002a). An employee who successfully proves the case can claim primary liability or vicarious liability. To claim primary liability, the employee must prove: Existence of a Duty of Care The employer’s duty is to offer reasonable care and to avoid exposing a member of staff to preventable risk of injury. This is depicted in the Walker vs. Northumberland County Council (1995) case. Similarly, in Cross Lord MacFadyen said that an employer’s common law duty is to provide conclusive care for his worker’s wellbeing and health. This should extend to include a reasonable duty of care, which does not expose the worker to working circumstances that have the potential of bringing him or her mental damage or disease (Selwyn, 1990). Foreseeability If a prediction cannot be made, then duty of care will not arise. A worker would have to prove that, on his part, the risk of getting psychiatric injury was predictable. Anguish, anger, sorrow and anxiety cannot attract reimbursement because they are ordinary feelings experienced by all human beings (Giliker, 2010). People can claim rewards only in situations where psychiatric illness is reasonably foreseeable. This was the case as indicated by Lord Bridge of Harwich. Breach of Duty If the injury is foreseeable, then follows the inquiry of whether or not there is breach of duty of care. To determine this, complain ts made by the worker should have been clearly recorded. The history must sufficiently prove that the employer was aware that a psychiatric illness was likely to occur due to the employee working under stressful conditions. Then it should be determined whether the employer acted promptly by initiating a probe into the issue. If so, it is hard to say

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Caring for the Elderly Adult with Diabetes Research Paper

Caring for the Elderly Adult with Diabetes - Research Paper Example There are a number of important nursing practise points that are important in providing good care for elderly adults with diabetes and their families. There are a number of reasons for choosing this topic. Firstly, diabetes affects almost 2.4 million Canadians (Government of Canada, 2011) and many more are thought to be undiagnosed. Not only that, but patients with diabetes are three times more likely to be hospitalized due to cardiac disease and twenty times more likely to need a non-trauma lower limb amputation (Government of Canada, 2011). Although these are just statistics, they do give a real feel for the potentially devastating impact that diabetes can have on the elderly adult and their families, and I think it’s increasingly important (as chronic disease becomes more common) to understand the best nursing practise guidelines to help prevent the complications of diabetes. Not only that, but many family members are not aware of the problems that diabetes can cause, and t herefore it’s important that a nurse is well-informed to answer questions about diabetes to allow best care in the home. The Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) have issued a number of guidelines with respect to practical nursing and adults with diabetes mellitus. One of these concerns the best practise in reducing foot complications, which includes foot care education for the patient as well as frequent check-ups. Another guideline concerns best management of foot ulcers in diabetes patient. The final guideline concerns the subcutaneous administration of insulin in adults with type 2 diabetes, which is particularly important in that patients and families may need to be educated on this as maintenance of insulin levels is vital (RNAO, 2011). The College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) also publish guidelines for the utilization of nurses working with adults with diabetes, and suggest that nurses may play an important role in directing diabetes management progra ms for the patient as well as advising patients on other matters (CNO, 2011). Evidently, practical nursing care needs to incorporate aspects of diabetes management, in part because it is so common and in part because the nurse can play such a vital role in preventing complications Evidently, the topic of diabetes is important to the sufferer and their family, as they will wish to know as much about the condition as they can to help prevent complications and to ensure that they stay as healthy as possible (Rother, 2007). In understanding diabetes management and care, the patient can ensure that they follow medication protocol, have a healthy diet and watch closely for signs of foot ulcers, vision loss and other complications (Rother, 2007). By doing this, the patient can inevitably prolong their life, and perhaps even reduce the severity of their diabetes (Ceriello, Ihnat & Thorpe, 2009). Both the patient and the relevant family members may need to be guided on how to intravenously i nject insulin if it is needed for their care, as this can be a complex procedure and is important in management of some cases (Rother, 2007). All of these issues have been highlighted by the RNAO Best Practice Guideline mentioned above, and therefore all nurses should be aware of how important it is for the patient and th

Friday, August 23, 2019

Buffer Overflow & Rootkits Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Buffer Overflow & Rootkits - Assignment Example Another reason is the failure of individuals to update their existing protections that render them non-functional. Someone can design a program that can detect a rootkit. A rootkit describes stealthy software that makes it hard to detect the existence of certain programs in a computer. Therefore, to detect one, someone needs to use an alternative and trusted operating system. Designing programs constituting such operating systems would make it possible to detect rootkits. Other ways include signature scanning, difference scanning, behavioural-based methods and memory dump analysis. The behavioural-based approach depends on the fact that rootkits behave in a way different from other programmes (Pleeger, 2012). In signature scanning, an antivirus will detect any stealthy measures that a rootkit might adopt to unload itself or prevent its detection. The difference-based scanning method compares trusted original data from the computer with defective data returning from the API (Application programming interface), a programme building tool. Memory dumping involves dumping of virtual memory, which can then be forensically analysed to capture an active rootkit with a tool called a debugger. It prevents the rootkit from taking any measures to hide itself. However, the overall detection of a rootkit depends on its

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Living as a Christian disciple Essay Example for Free

Living as a Christian disciple Essay Explain how living as a Christian disciple may influence the lives of Christians today. Christianity is an entire way of life. Its not only a part of your life it is your whole life. It is a sense of being with God. It is not a one way system, but in fact a two way bond. Being a disciple of God gives you a sense of who you are. You have the position of being part of Gods children as well as being a child of your parents. This is an incomparable feeling. A Christian is a person who lives their life daily for God. By praying on a regular basis, reacting positively not negatively with people and being an optimistic person rather than a pessimistic one. Christianity focuses a lot on how people treat others. Christianity believes everyone is equal. Nobody is better than someone else, even if they are richer. A disciple believes Christ is with you at all times. To become a Christian you must try and be the best you can be. An example of this would be the story about the Pharisee and the tax collector, having the best humanity. To develop into a Christian you need to know the principles. You need to live your life a certain way. That means you might have to sacrifice a few things but in the long run you will be rewarded. Again you must know how to deal with people. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and, Love your neighbour as yourself. (Luke 10 vs. 27) A person needs to be willing to give up luxuries in order to gain better things. For instance a Christian must give 10% of their total income to either a church or a charity. But the more essential factor is time. Time is more precious than rubies. Time must be taken out of your day to think about God or even the elderly lady next door who lives all alone. Your attitude towards people is very important. Being a Christian affects what career you wish to pursue. Certain professions are considered unethical and therefore are not allowed. A job such as working in an abortion clinic, you are taking away a life which has a right to live, which is unjust. Another job which gives people grief is a traffic warden. A Christian has an important role to play in the family and in the home. There must be peaceful negotiation and they must always remember that children usually learn from the examples of their parents. So as a parent you must do good things and not bad. You must know how to function in a family. To be a dedicated Christian you are required to visit the church on a regular basis and to pray daily. At church Christians have communion, usually once a week. This is red wine and bread which s also called the Eucharist. The Eucharist is the ceremony in which Christs last meal with his disciples is celebrated with bread and wine, the bread symbolizes Jesus body and the wine Jesus blood. Although some Christians do not believe in going to church for example, Quakers and the Salvation Army. Quakers are Christians who do not have set services or have no ceremonies and do not do repeated rituals. The Salvation Army consider that you should be careful and make sure that ceremonies do not become more important than the meaning of the belief or faith. Also the Salvation Army do not drink any alcohol as when they first started the group alcohol was a serious problem, therefore they are not allowed to have communion as it involves wine. There are many noble Christians who have acted as excellent role models, in the past and in the present day. Some of these famous Christian disciples are Oscar Romero, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Desmond Tutu and many more. I am going to tell you about Desmond Tutu. Desmond Tutu was born in 1931 on the 7th October. He lived in South Africa, a society where coloured people were considered as outcasts, a racist system of apartheid. They had to learn from an early age that their needs were considered less important than the needs of white people. They were not allowed to mix with the white people. For example black children could not go to the same school as a white child and at all times black people had to carry their passbooks to show who they were and if they had a right to be where they were, they also were not allowed to go into cafes or go to beaches and parks. In the street white police officers would look them up and down as if they were criminals. It was hard for children to grow up watching parents and role models being humiliated in this way. Desmond Tutu went to an all black school. He worked willing and was therefore intelligent. He was a kind and gentle boy. At the age of 14 Desmond got Tb. He was put in hospital for 2 years. An English priest called Father Trevor Huddleston visited him every week. Trevor Huddleston had been trying to make the lives of the black people better. He believed apartheid was evil and very unchristian. He opened hostels and nurseries for homeless people o stay in at night. He also defended black people when they were challenged by the police. A life long friendship blossomed between Desmond and Trevor. During his stay in hospital Desmond became more thoughtful and reflective. He had a strong commitment towards Christianity and a spiritual approach to life. Desmond was influenced by humility, gentleness, selflessness from spiritual people like Trevor. After leaving school Desmond decided train as a teacher. He worked as a teacher for a few years but he couldnt stand there and watch his people suffer. He wanted to do something about it. So he left teaching and became a priest. In 1961 Desmond was ordained as a priest. He was given his own parish church and a proper house in an area of slum housing. It was rewarding work, a satisfying job with people who loved him having him as their priest. In 1962 he was offered to go to London to study for a second degree in theology. When he got there he couldnt believe that he was allowed to walk freely and not have to check for signs where they were not allowed. He wasnt searched by police; he didnt have to carry a passbook around with him. He loved it. After 3 years when he returned to South Africa, he found it difficult being a second class citizen again. From the understanding of the Bible he saw that Christianity stresses that all people are equal and that God wants people to be free. As a Christian he felt it was his responsibility to help black people become equal with white people. Two years later Desmond took a job in England. In 1975 he was given the post of Dean in Johannesburg. If he accepted it then this meant he would have to move back to South Africa. This post had always been held by white men so he wanted to make a change and accepted the post. The cathedral had a racially mixed congregation and clergy. Desmond bought in changes to the worship including shaking hands, hugging and kissing your neighbour on the cheek which made many fell more comfortable. In 1978 wealthier black people were starting to be allowed into a few public places but the community as a whole were kept as second class citizens. In one of Desmonds speeches he dramatically promised to burn his Bible on the day that he was proved wrong about apartheid being an evil. Another thing Desmond said in one of his speeches was, At home in South Africa I have sometimes said in big meetings where you have black and white together, look at your hands-different colours representing different people. You are the rainbow people of God. And you remember the rainbow in the Bible is the sign of peace. The rainbow is the sign of prosperity. We want peace, prosperity and justice and we can have it when all the people of God, the rainbow people of God, work together. In 1984 he was awarded in the Nobel Peace Prize in America. Soon the whole world came to see Desmond as a symbol for the fight against apartheid. In 1986 he was further promoted to Archbishop of Cape Town, the first black man to hold this post. In 1989 F.W De Klerk became president. The ban on ANC and PAC was lifted symbolising freedom for all black South Africans after so many years of suffering. In 1993 exclusive white rule finally ended. The result of the first democratic election was that in 1994, Nelson Mandela became the first black South African president. By 1996 there was a new constitution aimed at creating a full racial equality and harmony. The hardest challenge facing bereaved families was not only to forgive those whom had caused their suffering, but to make sure that forgiveness was complete and unconditional as with Christian love. This would mean the new South Africa could grow from strong roots, unaffected by blame and bitterness. I think Desmond Tutu was a good Christian disciple as he helped the black people of South Africa. He bought equality in South Africa which is what God says. He is helping others and spreading the good word of God. He is determined and will not give up when things get tough. Another example of a good Christian disciple is a man called Oscar Romero. He was born in Ciudad Barrios, El Salvador in 1917. He was a Catholic man. He thought the best way to help people would be to serve God as a priest. He frequently visited prisoners in Gaol and he worked with alcoholics He promoted the activities of Alcohol Anonymous. He set up charities to provide aid for the poor and the hungry. Oscar was a respected man. He spoke for the poor, opposed the government, opposed military and opposed rich families who influenced the politicians behind the scene. He was a determined Christian disciple. Romeros aim in life was too help the poor and hungry and the only way he could help them was by making sure the church get a say in politics. He started at a seminary in San Miguel, in 1930. A few months later he was sent to Rome to complete his theological studies. In 1942 he is ordained as a priest. In 1943 he returns to El Salvador having witnessed early years of the Second World War, in Europe. From 1944 he worked as a parish priest but a few months later he was called by the bishop to work as the secretary of the diocese, a post which he held for twenty-three years. During this time most of his pastoral work focused on the cathedral parish. Between 1962 and 1965 Romero was a largely important priest in the diocese. He was in charge of the local seminary and editor of the diocesan newspaper. In 1967 he was appointed as sanctuary, General of the National Bishops Conference, and he moves to San Salvador. Then in 1968 he takes up an additional role for the, Central American Bishops Secretariat. In 1968 the council of Medellin is held in Colombia. In 1970 Romero is made auxiliary assistant bishop in San Salvador. He becomes increasingly aware of the plight of the oppressed and the poor but resists the notion that the church should be too involve d in politics. In 1974 Romero is made bishop of San Salvador. In 1977 he is made Archbishop of San Salvador. It was dangerous to be a Christian in El Salvador. To speak the Gospel message of Gods love for the poor and suffering of the world was to risk persecution. This was a statement the government could not ignore. A person could not claim to be a Christian if he or she ignored the violence against so many in the country or if they ignored the bombings, the illegal detentions, the torture and the callous murders of men, women and children. These murders were seen as a direct attack on the church itself. It was an assault which the Church could not ignore. This is when Romero decided on his course of action. His thinking on religion and politics develops. He sees an increasing need for the church to have a voice in politics and becomes an outspoken critic of injustice and oppression. On the 24th March 1980 Oscar Romero is assassinated. On the 30th March 1980 the, Palm Sunday Massacre, took place. He had the most powerful and influential voice of the Church and he was the spokesperson for the oppressed. Romero believed that the Gospels did not see a division between religion and everyday life. In a world of fear and terror, Romeros preaching of the Gospel message of love and justice was a source of hope for the people. One of the famous things Romero said was, May Christs sacrifice give us the courage to offer our own bodies for justice and peace. His last sermon, on the Sunday before his death, was very significant. In it Romero made a special request to those with belief in God and those of Christian faith. It was a sermon which many believe cost him his life. In the sermon Romero said, Nobody has to fulfil an immoral law. Now it is time that you recover your consciences and that you first obey your conscience rather than an order to sin. We want the Government to understand seriously that reforms are worth nothing if they are stained with so much blood. I beg, I ask, I order you in the name of God: stop the repression. A week after the preaching these words Oscar Romero was assassinated. In the days before the funeral crowds of people flooded into the city. Visitors arrived from all over the world. Not only the Church leaders but also important politicians from many countries were present. Romero had become a respected political as well as religious leader. Nuns and priests were gathered in a very public hunger strike. In protest at the killing of Romero, they were refusing to eat. This showed how great a person he was. There were as many as a hundred thousand people packed in every available space outside the cathedral, waiting for the funeral service. The solemn funeral service began in a dignified manner. During the sermon everyone listened intently to the words of remembrance for Oscar Romero. During his life Romero tried to put such ideals into practice. His religious belief was always a practical matter and his great desire was to see people work together for a better world. Romero shared, with all who would listen a vision of justice in an injustice world. His life and martyrdom are remembered by millions. In a troubled world Romero remains as a sign of hope. Those who killed him may have thought that they would be silencing a powerful voice against injustice in El Salvador. They may have killed the man but the message of justice for all still lives today.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Example proposal Essay Example for Free

Example proposal Essay INTRODUCTION 1.1 Being an establish company in the region requires the employees to pour in all their efforts in order to for the company to maintain and upgrade its performance in the market. For many years Rare Enterprise has produces to many famous products that make consumer look forward every time the company produces new product in the market. The success of the company produces relies on everybody shoulder from the lowest level to the top level of management as each of them has his/her on responsibilities in ensuring the  targets are well achieved. The expectations and the demands are too high as these may direct the employees to unexpected illness. This proposal is for sell the multiple use table. It to produces new product in market to make company always up to date and make competition with other company. The company needs to invest approximately RM200 000 for the overall set up of the multiple use table with the monthly expenditure RM15 000. 1.2 RARE ENTERPRISE 1.4 OBJECTIVE OF COMPANY Rare Enterprise is a company that produces product that easy to use. Our objectives are: 1) To help customer to manage their life. Our product is simple use and has a lot of functions. 2) Give a different idea and uniqueness in every product that will be produce. Our designer can generate creative and unique idea. 3) Bring Malaysia to world-wide. We will commercial our product to world-wide. Mission and Vision 1.5 Company’s Mission RARE Enterprise willingly provided a product for people especially youth generation to manage their life. We believe that everybody has their own idea that can be shown to the world. Thus, with their own originality, they can show it in our company as employees. Everybody loves selling and buying. So we are using this way to talk with people all around the world. Our mission is to create a product that can make people life more easier, reduce time and more comfortable. 1.6 Company’s Vision Within this coming ten years, RARE Enterprise will be at Paris, New York, Mesir, Chicago and Yemen to produce our product. We will maintain our  quality of product and creativity itself. We are going to born a company that will be well known as international company. We are aiming to commercial our product with international company. Create employees of production to develop our skills so that our product is produce based on interest of society and circulation of time. RARE Enterprise will make sure that our product of is high of quality and satisfied our customer. 3.1 The Vision of Product To make sure our product to be well known after we made the commercial. And we are targeting all school in Malaysia will use our product. 3.2 Aim of the proposed product Aim of the proposed product is to address: To address customers need To address company objective To achieve increased sales To add value in use of an item Taking care of business survival To meet the domestic market and abroad Increasing prosperity To expanding the field effort 6. MARKETING STRATEGY How we are going to let people know about our product is by publicity in local press, radio, television, personal recommendation and endorsement. By the way in every company there have a competition with others company that sell the same product like our company. Of course there have any customer demand for this type of product because many customer are complaining about other product that almost same with us that difficult to use. So we decide to fulfil the customer demand about our product. In our company, when we produce a product we mostly focused to youth generation. So it same like our target market because youth generation always up to date and need something that easy to use. We distribute and sell the product like we sell it in shopping mall, delivery and in our shop. We are chosen promotional medium such as TV commercial, leaflet and billboard. We are chosen that promotional medium because nowadays people always spent time with their family at home  while watching dramas on television. So they can watch the commercial also. Then, sometimes they go to any place and can see the big billboard on the road while they are driving.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Natural And Conventional Medicine Health And Social Care Essay

Natural And Conventional Medicine Health And Social Care Essay This paper discusses and compares the two main medical traditions natural and conventional medicine. Both conventional and natural medicine have been practiced and found proven to hold many advantages but conventional medicine is regarded as the universal, hence, more popular method of healing illness. Conventional medicine relies on science and technology to contribute to the preservation and longevity of peoples lives and the leaps that this tradition has made has surpassed expectation. Nevertheless, with the rising cost of medicines, procedures, and hospitalization, and the preference for more holistic and non-invasive methods in the treatment of illness, naturopathy or natural medicine has grown in popularity. In its comparison with conventional medicine, this paper highlights the advantages of naturopathy including its effectiveness, safety, a good patient-healer relationship, the sense of being in control over illness, and its non-invasive nature. Naturopathys congruence with the culture and psychological belief systems of diverse peoples also contributes to growing preference of it. Moreover, conventional treatment has slowly incorporated natural methods such as the use of herbs, crossing over with acupuncture and other alternative practices, proving that the next best step for medicine is to maximize knowledge from both conventional and natural methods toward a better quality of life for mankind. Introduction In the current world, medical practice is dichotomized. Medical practice may either be classified as conventional or alternative. Sometimes, classifications go by conventional versus natural or traditional. These medical traditions and their respective practitioners are often pitted against one another. Yet, a closer look reveals that these classifications are arbitrary and are not actually in blanket opposition. Conventional medicine also has a long history of utilizing natural resources in the past. Meanwhile, various natural methods of healing are now using technologies too. The real nature of these categories are hegemonic. Conventional medicine which was developed by more dominant societies and cultures arose as the dominant and in this respect, the most scientific way of healing. Meanwhile, indigenous, natural and traditional forms of healing that have long histories of local practices were simply lumped together in opposition to the conventional. This is similar to how various forms of traditional music have been clustered together under the banner of world music despite obvious aesthetic variations. Sadly, the burden of proof was pushed more to the side of the alternative or natural medical traditions. This paper intends to give a brief discussion and comparison of conventional and natural medicine. Being the less dominant one, this paper will put stress on the strengths and positive attributes of natural medicine. Although the historical importance and contributions of conventional medicine are recognized, this paper asserts the need for a greater recognition, utilization, and further improvement in the realm of natural medicine. Conventional Medicine Conventional medicine, sometimes called allopathic medicine or even Western medicine, is the most widely used medical system in the world today, particularly in the Western hemisphere. It is largely based on the physical and biological sciences. Its universality lies in its materialist and standardized approaches and to its positivist and experimental tradition. The materialism of this medical school enables the easy translation of the discipline to different countries and cultures. This enables its practitioners to speak the same language and to have a unified view of medical problems. Advances in the field of conventional medicine owe to its strong research tradition. Conventional treatments are all supposed to subscribe to proven treatments based on evidence. Of course, many researches are now being done by multi-national pharmaceutical corporations owing to conventional medicines strong commercial nature. Thus, the price to pay for getting oneself cured can be very high due to the commercialized and increasingly privatized treatment facilities, medicines and other diagnostic procedures. Indeed, it is undeniable that conventional medicine has gone through great leaps and bounds in preserving the quality and longevity of lives of people around the world. This owes very much to advances in diagnostic and treatment procedures and preventive measures. The use of X-rays, CT scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technologies now give more accurate diagnoses over a shorter period of time. Vaccinations are now preventing the spread of diseases over large populations. Advances in the pharmaceutical industries are now presenting greater potential in curing some of the worlds deadliest diseases. Even medical doctors (M.D.) who recognize and advocate and use alternative medicine, like Weil (1998), still point out the greater ability and efficacy of conventional medicine in treating particular diseases as compared to alternative medical systems. Particularly, they mention the management and cure of viral infections; allergies; chronic degenerative diseases; autoimmune problems such as AIDS; bacterial infection; trauma; many of the serious forms of cancer; mental illnesses, which require medication; other functional illnesses; and medical and surgical emergencies. However, there are still many imperfections in conventional treatments. For example, there are drugs that are effective in treating particular problems but may bring about ugly side effects. For instance, thalidomide, a morning sickness drug is known to produce severe birth defects. The taking of malarial prophylaxis, such as doxycyclin, can damage the liver over long use, thus deemed inadvisable for usage of people living in malaria-infested areas. A recent online news report told how Americans get the most radiation from medical radiology. Viruses also evolve every day which presents continuous new challenges to the medical world. Natural Medicine The term natural medicine for the purpose of this paper refers to alternative medical systems that lean towards the usage of more natural means of healing, especially in comparison to conventional medicine. This adoption of a more simplified definition is due to the existence of several yet still similar and related definitions. The term is oftentimes almost equated to alternative medicine which was defined by Brannon and Feist (2007) as a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices and products that are not currently considered part of conventional medicine (p. 190). In actuality, the term alternative medicine covers a wide array of medical systems which evolved more or less independently from different cultures. Examples are the Chinese traditional medicine, from which acupuncture and acupressure arose; Ayurvedic medicine from India, Naturopathy from Europe; macrobiotics; chiropractic and other various massage treatments from all over the world. When these methods a re incorporated by conventional doctors to their practice, the treatments are termed complementary medicine. The clustering of these diverse medical systems and traditions, some of which from great civilizations, either under the term alternative medicine or complementary medicine, implies how the former is deemed only secondary to conventional medicine. On the other hand, natural medicine is also treated as synonymous to naturopathy. Naturopathy is a cure system which targets the prevention and cure of diseases with the use of safe and efficient natural remedies (Muetzell, 2008). The practitioners central belief is that the human being in his normal state is healthy and that disobedience to natural laws results to illnesses (Brown, 1988). It then follows that nature has the power and resources to heal and that the human body has the ability to maintain, nurse and heal itself back to health. It is said that the movement became sufficiently coherent in Europe in the 19th century. A man named Benedict Lust, a German patient who was treated for tuberculosis through hydrotheraphy and other natural means, migrated to the United States and popularized the movement. The naturopathy movement was popular in Germany and in Britain during those days and was later popularized in the United States (Brannon Feist, 2007). In spite of the varying definitions of natural medicine, the various alternative medical systems named early in the paper have significant similarities in their principles, which like naturopathy leans towards the healing power of nature. The seeking of natural balance is quite universal to various traditional and indigenous medical systems. In reverse, naturopathy employs various healing practices from various cultures. Increasing Popularity in Conventional Medicine-Dominated Countries More and more, natural medicine has been enjoying increasing popularity and patronage in countries with advanced levels of conventional medical practice. Eisenberg et al. (1993) reported that the unconventional medicine usage frequency of the United States adult population had been way higher than stated in previous reports. Particularly, they estimated that one in three persons in the U.S. adult population had been utilizing unconventional medicine in 1990. This figure also implied a greater number of patient visits to unconventional medicine practitioners as compared to visits to conventional medical practitioners. They added that the amount spent by these adults on unconventional treatment was also comparable to the amount spent by Americans for all hospitalizations. A telephone survey in Britain revealed a 20% usage of alternative medicine, most popular of which is the use of herbs, aroma therapy, acupuncture, massage and reflexology (Ernst, 2000). This increasing patronage of natural and other alternative medicine may also be attributed to the increasing number of physicians who practice or recommend alternative therapies to their patients. Astin (1998) mentioned how a 1994 survey showed that more than 60% of the surveyed variably specialized physicians in Washington State, New Mexico and Israel recommended alternative therapies to their patients in the previous year while 38% had done so in the previous month. Meanwhile, 47% of these physicians use alternative therapies on themselves and 23% of the physicians have incorporated alternative therapies to their practices. The practice of naturopathy as a discipline is also becoming more and more regulated and consolidated with the creation of professional associations such as the American Naturopathic Association. More so, various schools have been accredited to teach naturopathy such as the Bastyr University, National College of Natural Medicine and the Broucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine. More mainstream medical schools are now tackling or offering alternative medicine. Examples of such schools are Harvard, Columbia, Georgetown and Duke (Barney, 1998). Many conventional medical practitioners critique the usage of natural medicine. According to Ernst (2003), alternative medicine is largely opinion-based. Practitioners tend to give inconsistent and different prescriptions for the same diseases or medical conditions. For example, he cites how 100 different complementary therapies were recommended for asthma, while systemic reviews failed to back up a single treatment for this indication (p. 1134). Ernst was also disappointed at the scarcity of systematically gathered evidence. Yet, he is not against alternative medicine per se. He advocated for a more objective and scientific usage of alternative medicine. Why the Shift towards Natural Medicine? Overly-commercialized Conventional Medicine Weil (1998) tells how the commercialization of orthodox medicine is discouraging patients to continue seeking conventional treatments. He characterizes how mainstream medicine continues to become more expensive and technology-reliant. He tells how the popularity of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) has gravely affected the health care system. HMOs, he claims, want doctors to see as many patients as possible for the purpose of profit. Sadly, doctors spend less time with their patients which translate to less detailed medical and family histories, thus affecting the quality of diagnosis and treatment. In contrast, naturopathic consultations involves long and thorough interview with patients. Interviews look at medical and family histories, patient lifestyle, emotional health, and other physical features. Ernst (2000) points to various motivating factors for trying complementary and alternative medicine, which he divides into two positive and negative motivations. Positive motivations consist of the attributes of alternative medicine itself while negative motivations refer to negative attributes of conventional medicine which pushes patients to try alternative medicine. Examples of those enlisted as positive motivation are the following: 1) perceptions of effectiveness; 2) perception of safety; 3) control over treatment; 4) good patient-healer relationship; and 5) non-invasive nature. Meanwhile, enumerated as negative motivations are: 1) dissatisfaction of- and case-to-case ineffectiveness of conventional medicine; 2) rejection of science and technology; 3) rejection of the establishment; and 4) desperation. Education, Poorer Health Status and Congruence to Patient Beliefs and Principles The national study of Astin (1998) revealed that the most significant factors leading to the use of alternative medicine are the attainment of a higher level of education, having a poorer health status and the greater congruence of alternative medicine to the patients values, beliefs and philosophies. Patrons, he said, tend to hold a philosophical orientation towards health and holism. He also found out that dissatisfaction with the conventional medical system is not as significant as the earlier mentioned factors. Key Principles of Natural Medicine and their Implication to Treatment in Comparison to Conventional Medicine As mentioned in Astins study (1998), the principles of natural medicine appeals significantly to patients. The key principles of naturologists can be summed up into six guidelines, which are: 1) Promote the healing power of nature; 2) First do no harm; 3) Treat the whole person; 4) Treat the cause rather than the symptom; 5) Prevention is the best cure; 6) The physician is a teacher, teaching patients to take care of themselves (Brannon Feist, 2007). Holistic (system-oriented vis-a-vis disease oriented) The most common word to describe naturalistic treatment is holistic. This owes to natural medicines strong faith and reliance on the natural balance of nature. Particularly, the body was said to have a stable state that when bothered can lead to illnesses. Natural medicine also believes that excretion of wastes is a valuable part of this system and a stoppage to this normal functions lead to an unhealthy state. To illustrate, Chinese traditional medicine believes in the concept of Chi, a local concept which closely translates to vital energy. Chi, the Chinese believe, flows throughout the body. In line with this, illnesses are attributed to the blockage of this energy flow. Acupuncture for instance targets to solve this blockage. Natural medicine practitioners look at patients in their wholeness as individuals. Practitioners usually look at factors that may be disrupting the bodys natural balance. They are not only focused on the physical body but also looks at the mind and spirit. It is common for natural medicine practitioners to look at the lifestyles of patients and tries to being out the natural healing capacity of the body. They advise and help patients incorporate stress reduction methods and healthy eating into their lifestyles. This was in contrast to the treatment of conventional medicine which commonly isolates the physical body from the exclusion of mind and spirit (Weil, 1998). Barney (1998) a medical doctor who subscribes to medical complementation, criticizes the rigidity of conventional medicine in its approach to diseases. Particularly, he describes conventional treatments as disease-oriented. For instance, to address an infection, doctors may prescribe antibiotics that can weaken the kidneys. This shows a disregard to the body as a system only comprised of body parts. He said that treatment options must be expanded to fit the specific needs of each patient. Regard for particularities While natural medicine practitioners look at the whole in everyone, they also do not forget to look at the particular attributes of the individual. For instance, Ayurvedic medicine subscribes to the belief that there are different types of human bodies and that each body type must be given customized medical treatment. People who are fat or thin are also not automatically considered unhealthy in Ayurvedic medicine. Whereas in conventional medicine, normal body mass is calculated based on the height and weight of a person compared to universal standards. Also, some of the healthiest food prescribed by conventional medicine for a healthy person can be classified as unhealthy in Chinese medicine based on individual conditions. In this tradition, the definition of healthy food varies from person to person, even to those who may be classified by conventional medicine as being in a state of good health. Bias towards the Natural Natural medicine also attributes illnesses to actions and activities which veer away from natural laws of the body. For example, in macrobiotics, it is viewed that meat and poultry products being sold nowadays are very characteristically un-natural due to the hormones and chemicals being fed to the animals to facilitate speedy growth. Thus, natural medicine avoids or minimizes the usage of synthetic drugs such as antibiotics, radiation technologies, biomedical technologies such as vaccines and major surgery. Furthermore, it uses more natural substances and medicines found in the body and in the natural environment such as water in hydrotherapy. It has a far greater respect for herbal medicines which was used by a great number of people around the world. In contrast, conventional medical treatments can sometimes suppress the bodys efforts and capability to self-heal. Conclusion The fact that natural medicine is enjoying widening and growing support especially in the Western world gives credence to its claims of efficacy in relieving problems of the mind, body and soul. It also reflects particular weaknesses in the current conventional medical practice, which translates as negative motivations for usage of natural medicine. This validates the importance of the key characteristics of natural medicine which are: 1) holism; 2) bias towards the natural; and 3) attention to the particular. Outside the efficacy in dealing with physical problems, I think that the greatest trait espoused by natural medicine that conventional medicine lacks is in the formers attention to the mind and body. This translates to patients feelings of peace, control over their bodies and feelings of being valued and respected by their healers. Like Ernst, I believe that natural medicine and other alternative medical systems can benefit from addressing the critiques of conventional medical practitioners. In particular, it would be beneficial if natural medicine practitioners from various traditions can take steps in systematically documenting and gathering our- and other unexplored healing practices and their results. This is a positive step towards a maximization of knowledge from all over the world and the integration of various know-hows and towards more informed choices among patients.

The Metaphor Title of Sense and Sensibility Essay -- Jane Austen

In this novel Jane Austen uses the title of the book itself as a metaphor to illustrate the differences between the two main characters, with Elinor to represent the sense and Marianne to represent the sensibility. Sense and sensibility also indicates a split division, polar opposites, and how these opposites compliment each other, as can be seen throughout the novel. The dominant theme in this novel is sense prevailing over sensibility. It is a theme which can be seen in most of the characters; however the concentration is on Elinor and Marianne, who are two sisters and are often perceived as polar opposites. Marianne tends to be viewed as the `sensibility' and Elinor as the `sense'. Jane Austen opens the novel with the girls' father, (Mr John Dashwood) who is dying, and stressing to his son that although Mrs Dashwood and the girls are stepfamily he wants to be assured that they will be looked after. In this era it was not expected that a women should be left any inheritance, this was generally left to the man in the family. Women obtained there social class and money through marriage. It is once the fathers dies that we begin to get an understanding of the sense and sensibility. Marianne is a young girl of seventeen, and as is expected of this age she is naà ¯ve, spontaneous, and full of romantic idealism. However Marianne tends to take everything to the extreme and dramatises the slightest thing. She personifies sensibility and becomes emotionally disturbed by the events that take place in her life. It can be seen in the novel that she takes this from her mother, Mrs Dashwood, who is represented in the novel in much the same way as Marianne. She is sensitive, emotional, melodramatic, and imaginative and as Marianne she is... something that develops with age and experience. There is no getting away from the fact that Marianne is sensibility and Elinor sense, and it is fairly simple to see this through Marianne's melodramatic and childish nature and Elinor's constant attention to others thoughts and feelings before her own. However on the other hand Marianne is still only a child who is under the heavy influence of a melodramatic mother. Elinor however is slightly older and one would think had an influence form someone of a more sensible disposition, (her father maybe) and therefore exerts a great deal of sense and etiquette throughout. Marianne tends to favour most of her mothers `sensibility' side and is often encouraged by her mother. Therefore in conclusion yes in many ways it is simple to say that Marianne possesses sensibility and Elinor sense, throughout the novel.

Monday, August 19, 2019

War in Iraq :: Politics Political History Government Essays

War in Iraq Introduction In 1979, President Bakr resigned under pressure from Hussein, who then became president. Immediately after his succession, Hussein called a Baath Party meeting and had all of his opposition systematically murdered. As president, Hussein continued to reinforce his power base by enlarging security forces and employing family members in the government. One 1984 analysis indicated that 50 percent of Iraqis were either employed by the government or military or had a family member who was -- thus making the population intimately connected to and dominated by Hussein. For the past two decades, Hussein has tyrannically ruled Iraq. He started a war with Iran, and his invasion of Kuwait led to the Persian Gulf War. While his abuses are widespread, opposition groups receive little popular support, and uprisings have been minor and easily squelched. Fear of reprisals forced nearly unanimous positive votes for Hussein in the 1995 and 2002 referendums on the presidency. In addition, many in the Middle East seem to believe that if Hussein is deposed the country will break into pieces, leading to more problems in the already troubled region. Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) Gulf War I The Iran-Iraq War permanently altered the course of Iraqi history. It strained Iraqi political and social life, and led to severe economic dislocations. Viewed from a historical perspective, the outbreak of hostilities in 1980 was, in part, just another phase of the ancient Persian-Arab conflict that had been fueled by twentieth-century border disputes. Many observers, however, believe that Saddam Hussein's decision to invade Iran was a personal miscalculation based on ambition and a sense of vulnerability. Saddam Hussein, despite having made significant strides in forging an Iraqi nation-state, feared that Iran's new revolutionary leadership would threaten Iraq's delicate SunniShia balance and would exploit Iraq's geostrategic vulnerabilities--Iraq's minimal access to the Persian Gulf, for example. In this respect, Saddam Hussein's decision to invade Iran has historical precedent; the ancient rulers of Mesopotamia, fearing internal strife and foreign conquest, also engaged in freque nt battles with the peoples of the highlands. Iraq and Iran had engaged in border clashes for many years and had revived the dormant Shatt al Arab waterway dispute in 1979. Iraq claimed the 200-kilometer channel up to the Iranian shore as its territory, while Iran insisted that the thalweg--a line running down the middle of the waterway--negotiated last in 1975, was the official border. The Iraqis, especially the Baath leadership, regarded the 1975 treaty as merely a truce, not a definitive settlement.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

David Livingstone :: History

David Livingstone David Livingstone was one of Africa’s most important explorer. He lived from 1813 to 1873. He was originally a Scottish doctor and missionary. Livingstone was born on March 19, 1813, in Blantyre, Scotland. In 1823 he began to work in a cotton-textile factory. While studying medicine in Glasgow, he also attended classes in theology, and in 1838 he offered his services to the London Missionary Society. After completing hid medical course in 1840, Livingstone was later sent as a medical missionary to South Africa. In 1841 he reached Kuruman, a settlement founded in Bechuanaland, now Botswana, by the Scottish missionary Robert Moffat. Even though the Boers, the white settler, mostly of white background were extremely hostile to him, Livingstone kept trying to make his way northward. He married Mary Moffat, daughter of Robert, in 1845. Together, the Livingstones traveled into regions where no other European had ever been to. After crossing the Kalahari Desert in 1849, he discovered Lake Ngami. In 1851, accompanied by his wife and children, he discovered the Zambezi River. On another expedition while looking for a route to the interior from the east or west coast, he traveled north from Cape Town to the Zambezi, and then west to Luanda on the Atlantic coast. Then, retracing his journey to the Zambezi, Livingstone followed the river to its mouth in the Indian Ocean, in this way discovering the great Victoria Falls in Zambezi. After Livingstone's explorations, a revision of all the contemporary maps took place. He returned in 1856 to Great Britainm, where he was already acknowledged as a great explorer. He wrote a book called Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa which made him famous. He resigned from the missionary society, and in 1858 the British government appointed him British consul at Quelimane, what is now in Mozambique, for the east coast of Africa and commander of an expedition to explore east and central Africa. In 1859 he explored the Rovuma River and discovered Lake Chilwa. During his exploration of the country around Lake Nyasa, Livingstone became greatly concerned over the depredations on the indigenous Africans by Arab and Portuguese slave traders. In 1865, on a visit to England, he wrote Narrative of an Expedition to the Zambezi and Its Tributaries, including a condemnation of slave traders and an exposition of the commercial possibilities of the region, now mostly part of Malawi and Mozambique.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Discussion. Digital Nation

Students felt that computing class is less boring than original classes. Also, young students can learn what netiquette is. Another example was ‘Bubby cooks'. Through her story, I could find that humans culture can adopted into technical environment by social services such as twitter, Youth, and personal blobs. 2) Is customizing the message and targeting resources tailored around consumer preferences and habits a good thing? An efficient use of resources? Dealt nations customize each consumer because many business people try to close to consumers by virtual systems.Virtual systems are a kind of online space. Through the virtual systems, people can imagine their commercial goals and create new situations. Also, they can discover diverse unique situations such as crisis markets. For example, according to World Dairy Expo sass, â€Å"Technology has made deep inroads into the world of dairy farming, helping manage day-to-day chores and collecting and analyzing the large batches of data a herd of cattle generates daily' (Acrobat 42). It means that digital and technical life influences not only consumers but also many companies.The reason is that many companies can find products and services which have more benefits for their consumers. Also the consumers can satisfy their consumption and the companies, and they believe digital data that Is related with the companies. For this reason, consuming data can give much more beneficial Information to humans' life. Although the data and Information sometimes give negative parts, the parts also become a kind of digital life where modern people lives in. Hill, Elizabeth. â€Å"Big Dairy Enters The Era of Big Data. † Bloomberg Businesslike 22October 2012: 41-42 print. Discussion. Digital Nation By alleviators 1) In today's technological immersion environment, do you think the good side of it Technological environment is very powerful and complicated to people. The reason is that some people think digital life giv es positive and good affections, but Digital nations customize each consumer because many business people try to data that is related with the companies. For this reason, consuming data can give much more beneficial information to humans' life.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Juliet’s Soliloquy Analysis

Upon the opening of Act III, Scene II of William Shakespeare’s drama, Romeo and Juliet, Juliet reveals her impatience while waiting for night to come shortly after her marriage with Romeo. At first, Juliet urges the sun to â€Å"gallop apace †¦ towards Phoebus’ lodging† (3. 3. 1-2) in order to swiftly bring about night time so that she may be begin her romance with Romeo. Juliet is unwilling to wait for night time and urges the gods to summon the night, pleading to Greek gods even though she is an Italian Catholic. Furthermore, the word ‘gallop’ suggests quick movement. Juliet further demonstrates her urgency when she commands the sky to â€Å"bring in cloudy night immediately† (3. 2. 4), showing both her impatience and her sense of secrecy. Furthermore, her repetitions of the word ‘come’ when she says â€Å"come, night; come, Romeo; come† (3. 2. 17) indicates her agitation while urging the two to arrive with haste. Moreover, Juliet compares herself to â€Å"an impatient child that hath new robes/ and may not wear them† (3. 2. 32-33), revealing her childish eagerness for the night to come. Juliet’s soliloquy has an impatient tone, illustrated through her imagery and syntax. Upon the opening of Act III, Scene II of William Shakespeare’s drama, Romeo and Juliet, Juliet reveals her impatience while waiting for night to come shortly after her marriage with Romeo. At first, Juliet urges the sun to â€Å"gallop apace †¦ towards Phoebus’ lodging† (3. 3. 1-2) in order to swiftly bring about night time so that she may be begin her romance with Romeo. Juliet is unwilling to wait for night time and urges the gods to summon the night, pleading to Greek gods even though she is an Italian Catholic. Furthermore, the word ‘gallop’ suggests quick movement. Juliet further demonstrates her urgency when she commands the sky to â€Å"bring in cloudy night immediately† (3. 2. 4), showing both her impatience and her sense of secrecy. Furthermore, her repetitions of the word ‘come’ when she says â€Å"come, night; come, Romeo; come† (3. 2. 17) indicates her agitation while urging the two to arrive with haste. Moreover, Juliet compares herself to â€Å"an impatient child that hath new robes/ and may not wear them† (3. 2. 32-33), revealing her childish eagerness for the night to come. Juliet’s soliloquy has an impatient tone, illustrated through her imagery and syntax.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Wk Reflection

Senators part of the hiring team for the class assignment. The hiring team conducted several interviews to fill two management positions for their company Des Nett. Our team interviewed a several individuals such as a lesbian female, gay male, black male and white female. After the interviews were completed, three individuals were selected and called back for a second interview to offer employment. Our management team decided to hire the gay male (Dwight) as the day manager, the Asian (Be) as the night manager and the white female (Jan) as the Secretary/Receptionist.Jennet's role was to provide feedback for the individuals. Although we did not have time to get that far in the process, the assignment was a great learning experience. Littoral played a gay male by the name of Dwight Hurley. She was interviewed for a management position for the company Des Nut. Littoral feels the role play was a good learning assignment because it showed how individuals are often judged or stereotyped be cause of their outer appearance or life preference rather than looking into their work experiences, educational background, and their work ethic.I learned that when interviewing individuals for employment it is always good to find out the qualities they possess and how that would benefit the company. After discussing the class assignment with Team C, Shakier believes that the project provided the team with a perspective on what is involved in the hiring process. The employing team conducted interviews to fill two management positions for their company Des Nett. The team interviewed individuals who were lesbian, gay, African American, and Caucasian. This provided group members with the opportunity to become more culturally diverse.The team as able to get a better understanding of how to intern;IEEE people from different backgrounds and cultures. As well, each member was provided with insight on different roles associated with recruiting potential employees. During the week five works hop, students in attendance split into two teams, interviewers, and applicants. Sharron was a 65-year-old telecommunications executive whom interviewed for one of the management positions. The interviews took place at These Nut LLC, a company that produces and manufactures huge selections of nuts.The interview team interviewed applicants of different nationalities, ages, and social choices. During the interviews several notes were made that could cost These Nut LLC thousands of dollars in legal fees. Most of the violations were employment violations such as preferred work schedules that was offered to some and not all applicants, asking derogatory and discriminatory questions such as are you married? Do you have childcare available for your children? The overall goal of this simulation was to make the teams aware of questions that should be avoided and questions that must be asked during a panel interview.